Agnieszka Couderq`s novel "The Last Envoy of the Ming Dynasty" has received the honorary patronage of the KEP Council for Culture and the Protection of Cultural Heritage

Agnieszka Couderq is one of the leading Boymists in Poland and the world. Her novel about Michael Boym has received the patronage of Bishop Michael Janocha.

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"The Last Envoy of the Ming Dynasty" will be published in the near future by RYTM Publishing Office. The publication tells the story of the 17th-century Polish Jesuit, scholar and missionary to China - Michal Boym. 

"The figure of this great Jesuit, his dedication of his life to the evangelization of such a sensitive country as China was and remains, his achievements in the fields of science and cultural exchanges between China and Europe, as well as his unquestionable patriotism, fully deserve to be more widely known to our compatriots" - writes Bishop Michal Janocha, "we nourish the hope that Father Boym`s perseverance in pursuit of the truth, against all odds, and his unshakeable faith, will inspire the readers of your novel to deep reflection." - he adds. The full text of the letter to the author, Agnes Couderq, can be seen below. We encourage you to read its contents.